What is the Best Fly Killer? Understanding Better the Effectivity of Homemade Vinegar Fly Traps



If house flies and fruit flies have become a common occurrence in your home, it is time that you put an end to them and once and for all get the best answer to the question, ‘what is the best fly killer?’. The best fly killers depend from one person to another, from one situation to another, and from one location from another. When people have different opinions as regards the best fly killers, this could only mean that they come in a wide variety of options.


That being said, you might be familiar with the use of a variety of fly killers at home and at the office. If you look at the house of your neighbor or friend maybe, you will find that they have set up some adhesive fly traps from their patio beams. Some people have the stomach to be looking at these insects that are caught on display. On the other hand, there are some people or a great majority of people who find these traps unattractive. Besides ruining the overall aesthetic of your home, you will be tasked to be changing these adhesives regularly. This could cost you a lot of your money.


And so, asking the question ‘what is the best fly killer’ back, it would be a good idea to go back to homemade options that are all natural. One of the most common fly killers that are used to deal with house flies and fruit flies are homemade vinegar fly traps. However, there have been a lot of questions regarding their effectiveness. If you look at the internet, you see a lot of articles that tell you that using vinegar to get rid of flies is the best way to kill flies. But this can never be proven factual on your part if you have not tried using it yourself. You will be able to get a better understanding on how effective these homemade vinegar fly traps are. Here are some fast facts about homemade vinegar fly traps.


Attraction: The use of vinegar fly traps takes into consideration mixing vinegar with other ingredient such as dish soap to lure flies. However, it does not lure every fly species out there. You see, there are more than a dozen of fly species the world has ever known and each has their own preferences when it comes to the scent that they are attracted to. For instance, fruit flies are easily attracted to sweet and sugary taste from fruits. So, if you use a vinegar fly trap recipe, for sure you can attract only fruit flies and leave the other flies alone.


The right vinegar: To answer the question of ‘what is the best outdoor fly control’ and choosing homemade vinegar fly trap, you need to understand that its effectivity will depend on the kind of vinegar that you use. There are often two types of vinegars used for fly traps, you have the apple cider vinegar and the white vinegar. The latter does not have the sweetness of attracting fruit flies and is just too pungent. However, the former is much sweeter that is why most fruit flies easily get attracted to it. You should be able to combine the use of vinegar with other ingredients to ensure that your homemade fly trap is much more effective. If you fail to do so, flies will still be able to contaminate and surround some kitchen treats of your as well as your fruit bowls.

